Your Shop

The BridDotUK way

The easiest and cheapest way is to be part of the BridDotUK domain. For instance, if your business name is Coastal Arts, you become

This means you don’t have to register a domain – about £30 per year depending on the name – and you don’t have to pay for a security certificate which gives you the ‘s’ in the https:// bit and the little padlock at the top of your browser – about £200 per year.

And crucially, you don’t need to find someone to host it – in other words keep it on their server – about £7 per month.

Plus the fuss of organising all this. All the above, plus setup help, is included in the £10 per month.

Your own way

But if you do want your own domain, like for instance, we can register it for you*, obtain a security certificate and host it at a competitive rate.

* as long as no-one else has nabbed it first!